I’ve been around for a bit, doing the “Dad blogging” thing and I’d found that much of what I wrote about covered a wide range of topics. It wasn’t just about being a father, it was sharing my family experiences and even my observations about other families. In the larger sense, much of what I observe is about community. Matters of the heart in my marriage, insights on fatherhood, the highs and lows of raising children, I’ve written about all of that but sometimes those topics extend beyond my own home and touch on faith, race, politics and more. You know, those taboo topics, apparently not fit for the dinner table? Yeah, well, I won’t shy away from them many times because I think they’re necessary discussions to have. Not having them is part of the reason the world is in the state that it is! Just like in a healthy marriage, problems don’t go away by ignoring them and not talking about them, then eventually putting action to those words.
Part of nurturing a healthy family is being thoughtful about what we put in our bodies! I’ve never been a horrible eater, but due to a sedentary job and a love of some sweets (mostly fruit juices) and my Kryptonite – chili fries – I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes in December of 2015. My doctor told me its reversible if I lose the weight I’ve packed on over the years and made some changes to my diet. So, I’ve taken to preparing food in my home, paleo style. I’ve also spent some time on the Whole 30 diet, dropped almost 20 lbs. in the process and now I’m sharing many of the recipes that have been hits in my home. I’m now chef, so many of these recipes come from other awesome websites and I just modify them to my own liking. Fortunately, I also have an amazing wife who is cooking whole foods with me, which is definitely a huge help on this new journey. I hope you like the recipes I’ll share here and on my YouTube channel! They’re kid tested (my finicky teens) and low glycemic approved. Any that aren’t – the occasional treat- I’ll be sure to note. Let’s talk family and food.